2020 NSW AFL Masters - AGM Report

2 Dec 2020 by Ed Reddin

On Sunday 29th November, NSW AFL Masters held their 2020 Annual General Meeting at Bella Vista Hotel, where the following Office Bearers were announced for 2021:

President: Bryan Minns
Vice President: Adam Shearer
VP/Interim Secretary: Matt Crowe
Treasurer: Cathy Keogh
Coordinator: Matt Crowe
General Committee: Alayne Minns, Dan Perry, Keith Leggett

PLEASE NOTE: The Committee is seeking someone to fill the position of Secretary for 2021. Please contact president@nswaflmasters.com.au if you would like to be involved or have questions about the role.

The President’s Report highlighted the positives from a challenging 2020. This included successful participation in the Sydney AFL Competition, and getting in as many games as possible, despite the challenges of COVID-19.

The President also thanked the committee for their efforts, and especially noted the contributions of outgoing committee members Pat Ockwell and Andrina Sultana.

The Treasurers report noted a mostly neutral financial position, largely due to COVID-19 impacting the season.

Club representatives in attendance gave a brief report on their respective 2020 seasons, and plans for 2021.

A focus for the coming 12 months will be participation at the National Carnival in Perth, local mini-carnivals and women’s football, digital and social media presences, and continued improvement in fixtures and planning.